Spirituality Elevated By Cannabis

September 1, 2017

Cannabis has impacted lives in tons of ways for centuries and with legalization here in Colorado, we’re finding more and more ways that this magical plant can become part of our normal, everyday lives. And now, you can even partake in a guided spiritual practice right here in Denver with the help of The International Church of Cannabis.

Elevationism is a new organized religion that all began right here in Denver. Elevationists can seek their individual spiritual journey in a community where cannabis is worshipped as the sacred flower that it is. Elevationists welcome all to who wish to become members of their congregation regardless of individual religious or cultural backgrounds. Anyone 21 years or older are all welcome at The International Church of Cannabis. The purpose of Elevationsim is to guide an individual to discovering the best version of his or herself. Focusing on love and creativity, this discovery can then spill over into his or her community providing further enrichment.

While a spiritual experience with cannabis may not be a new concept to most cannabis users, having a church to gather at while consuming may be. It is not everyday that you can bring your pot to church – until now.

The church itself is legit. The International Church of Cannabis is housed in an 113 year old church in Wash Park. While a lot of the original old charm of the church remains intact, there is a lot that makes the church stand out like no other. The murals and artwork inside are incredible. This is one colorful church. Each piece of art was carefully crafted – some by world-famous artists and is said to enhance the experience of practicing elevationists.

It is probably safe to say that you have not been to a church like this before. But don’t take our word for it. Go check it out for yourself. The International Church of Cannabis is open to the public for tours. You can visit each Thursday through Sunday from 1-3pm for a tour of the unique property. While cannabis is not consumed during these hours, you will get to experience what makes this church so groovy. Get more details at their website.

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