Oregon State Fair On the Right Track With Marijuana
If you are out and about in Oregon later this month, you might want to stop by the Oregon State Fair. This year’s fair includes a special first ever pot exhibit new to the fair. The exhibit will include nine prize winning marijuana plants that will be proudly displayed for anyone over the age of 21 to oohh and ahhh at. No state fair has included the actual marijuana plants before. While the plants will be there, guarded by a security guard, the samples will not be. This exhibit is all about the plant.
The plants will be judged privately and behind the scenes and will be sporting their ribbons of high achievement just like any other prize winning crop while on display at the fair. Think of 4-H for marijuana. Judging will be done by a panel of marijuana growers. The intention of the exhibit is to simply show people who are 21 years old and over what prize winning marijuana plants should look like. It’s all about the education of the agriculture behind the growing plant. It’s a good thing to stop and think about the plant before being harvested for enjoyment.
Fair officials have said that the marijuana plant exhibit recognizes the now legal status of marijuana. Fair spokesman, Dan Cox commented that “this is really a reflection of where Oregon is now as a state.” The inclusion of the marijuana plants at the fair, especially in the agricultural category demonstrates how the acceptance of marijuana is moving in the right direction.
The fair will be held August 26 through September 5 in Salem, Oregon. And of course it will feature much more than marijuana plants during its 11 day run. With plenty of concerts, competitions, extreme motorsports, carnival and food and drinks, the Oregon State Fair will be a good time for all.
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