Fall is finally here and autumn is a super fun season for marijuana lovers. The cooler months brings a whole new set of activities to enjoy. So, get out there and relish the cool weather, changing leaves, and crisp air. Here are our favorite ways to enjoy cannabis in the fall.
Make Your Own Halloween Costume
Halloween isn’t just for kids. Candy and costumes are fun for everyone, especially pot smokers. There’s nothing like the creative potential that come from making your own Halloween costume to really get your imagination going. Plus, who can resist dressing up like a badass mythical creature?
Try Pumpkin Carving
Pumpkin carving is a long-standing seasonal tradition – and it’s super fun! It gives you the chance to express your creativity and deep love of the green. It’s also a great way to spend time with friends, so invite your besties and spark a blunt. We suggest a sativa to inspire your artistic spirt.
*Tip: Use leftover pumpkin seeds to make a healthy snack.
Look Forward to Legalization
Federal legalization may not be on the docket this fall, but some states will vote on advancing initiatives in November. Michigan is one of them. Since April, proponents of a recreational marijuana initiative collected enough signatures to get the measure on the Nov. 6 ballot.
Make Candy Corn
One of our favorite things about fall is candy corn, which is also happens to be the perfect stoner snack. A handful never seems to be enough. Need a recipe? Watch how to make candy corn with Alton Brown. Feeling ambitious? Then try this stuffed candy corn cake.
Look for Beautiful Sunsets
Autumn skies are beautiful – especially the sunsets. Watching the light as it comes through the trees as it fades away is magical, especially with a little indica. Who needs Netflix when you have the outdoors? So, spend some time enjoying the outdoors.
Embrace the Weather
By far one of the best parts of smoking pot in the fall is enjoying the weather. As the leaves turn red and gold and the temperatures begin to drop to crisp, cool, temperatures, smoking a joint on the front porch is about being one with nature. So, take advantage of those sunset views, mild temps and crunchy leaves, they won’t stick around forever!
Look Forward to Thanksgiving
Thanksgiving is all about family. And, while some of us may need a joint or two to get through all the festivities, it’s a wonderful time to celebrate your love for one another. Plus, there’s delicious food to look forward too! This time of year, you won’t have to worry about the munchies getting the best of you.
Get Ready for ‘No Shave November’
Winter is coming, and we all need protection from elements, especially during outdoor smoke breaks. That’s why we love No Shave November. Beards are great fall accessories. So, guys, start growing – gals encourage your guys to embrace the scruffy stoner look.
Can’t wait to enjoy cannabis in the fall? Stop by Oasis Cannabis Superstore! We’re Denver’s most unique recreational dispensary. No other dispensary has a better selection of recreational and medical marijuana. We house over 200 unique marijuana strains and stock over 180 different pre-rolled joints. We have everything you need to make the best of autumn and have fun with cannabis in the fall.
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